Thankful Thursday – My Parents’ Support

Admittedly, I’m not very close with my family. I’m not in contact with my extended family and my relationship with my older brother is still strained from our mutual hatred of each other growing up (not to mention that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to really forgive him for the physical abuse I suffered at his hands for most of my childhood and adolescence).

But, I am pretty close with my parents. I know that the fact I can even say that is something to be thankful for. There are many people who aren’t close to their parents, or even who have to actively avoid their parents for one reason or another. Not everyone can say their parents are kind, or supportive, or even love them.

My parents love me and that’s a blessing. Continue reading

Thankful Thursday: New Friends

I’ve never been great at making friends. In high school, the way I made friends was latching onto one or two nice people who made the mistake of being polite to me and integrating myself into their friend-group. After high school, I had one person who I could honestly call my friend (and even then barely), and all of my social outings happened through her.

Through her, I met Pup, and when she and I fell out, Pup’s friends became my new friends. After we fell out with them, it was pretty much just me and Pup against the world, even after we broke up.

But, lately, I’ve been making friends left-and-right. And, honestly, I couldn’t be more grateful. Continue reading

Happy Thanksgiving

Isn’t it convenient that Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday, and I occasionally post in a category called Thankful Thursday? It wasn’t even planned.

Like most Americans, I’m spending the day watching TV and gorging on turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy (and rolls and deviled eggs, which are the unsung heroes of Thanksgiving).

Like a handful of Americans (and most Americans say they’re doing), I’m also reflecting on what I have to be thankful for this year. It’s been a tough year (and I’m sure we all know why), but there’s still much to be thankful for. Continue reading