Sunday Spirit – Crystal Collection

If you’re super new around here, it might behoove you to know I’m a witch. …I don’t know why I decided to go with “behoove” there, but here we are.

Crystals are a huge part of my witchcraft. I would even say they’re the main part of my witchcraft. Crystals are a great way to harness and channel energy in a way you can easily carry with you. They’re my favorite.

And I have a lot of them.

Like… A LOT.

So, to close out this first week of Blogtober, I want to share a small part of my collection with you. I have larger pieces which are more for display than practice and some medium-to-large pieces for long-term energy work, but the overwhelming majority of my collection are small tumbled stones easy to carry with me (either in a bag, bottle, or just alone). So, I also want to show you all how I store and keep them organized.

I want to start with a couple of my favorite display pieces. These live on my shelf and don’t usually make their ways into practice.



This amethyst skull was a birthday gift from my mother last year. It’s hands-down my favorite piece in my whole collection.

I wasn’t totally sold on septarian the first time I saw it, but my mother fell in love with it immediately and her excitement rubbed off on me. This is another one of those pieces that never leaves the shelf, except sometimes when I just want to pet it. It looks almost velvety, doesn’t it? It’s not, but it’s still an interesting texture to fiddle with.

Moving on to my larger working pieces…



This malachite obelisk is my prized possession of my working crystals. It was also a gift from my mother, after one of my shelves fell and I lost about $200 worth of crystals. She wanted to help me rebuild my collection. Thanks, mom! Malachite is a great stone for transformation and healing.


Clockwise from back: Tourmalated quartz, obsidian, labradorite

Like I mentioned, I love towers. These are small towers, but a perfect size for my small space–I have a lot of small towers like these! Tourmalated quartz combines the grounding properties of tourmaline and the energy amplification of quartz and is a great stone for keeping balanced in times of spiritual growth. Obsidian is a great protection stone and helps to keep negative energies at bay. Labradorite, aside from being my favorite stone, it can help you tap into your spiritual consciousness and psychic abilities.

ball trio

Clockwise from back: Obsidian, fluorite, jade

In addition to towers and obelisks, I’m a fan of using crystal balls (and pyramids, but I don’t have any featured here). I don’t use them for scrying (although you certainly could give it a shot–obsidian is great for that), but in the same way I use towers–as a central focus for long-term magic and as the center on crystal grids. Fluorite is a really popular stone, and can really be used for damn near anything; psychic protection, dispelling lethargy, promoting calm and relaxation, promote structure… It’s a great stone and I have a lot of it. Jade is a protective stone and great for dream work.

And, of course, storage…


My box of rocks

I store my stones in a small wooden chest I stained red to match my dresser and nightstand. It’s a great way for me to keep my smaller working crystals together in one place and out of the way.


Bags from the box of rocks

I keep the stones separated and organized in plastic bags with labels letting me know which stones are which. So, even though everything is stored in one chest, it’s super easy for me to find what I need when I need it.

A similar method, if you’re not a fan of plastic bags (totally understandable), depending on the size of your stones, is to use bead organizers or even tip-out bins like this one. Keeping them in glass jars or small buckets could also be a nice way to keep them organized on display if you have a little more space. Ideally, I’d love to do the jar display, but I don’t have the space.

Maybe one day….

I love you all.

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3 thoughts on “Sunday Spirit – Crystal Collection

  1. So Adie,
    I seem to have had a string of bad “luck” lately. Can you recommend something specific for that? If you read my Something Wicked post, you’ll get a better idea of what I’m potentially dealing with. Maybe. Anyway, I don’t normally think in terms that maybe someone has sent evil vibes my way or that I could be influenced by someone else’s bad mojo…however, too much weird shit going on for my taste and enough that it’s sort of hard for me not to notice. Any suggestions other than prayer? And maybe prayer’s the only thing I need. Still…open to whatever suggestions you might have.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Off the top of my head, I’m thinking black tourmaline. It’s a protective stone, particularly against negative and evil energies, both external and internal. It’s an extremely grounding stone and helps promote self-confidence and clarity, which can help us sort through stressful situations. It’s also a good stone for travel, just FYI. I wear a pendant on a black cord around my neck. It’s a really popular stone so they’re suuuuuper easy to find on Amazon.


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