Q & Adie


First of all, thank you all so much for your questions! I didn’t think I would get nearly so many questions and I’m really floored that you guys are so interested in my boring life lol! Thank you so much!

After I cut out the parts where I got distracted and stared blankly into space, the video ended up still being forty minutes long. So, I broke it into two videos you can watch at your leisure. Keep in mind, I filmed this on my laptop camera and edited it on the free Microsoft video editing software, so it’s not exactly super high quality… or the most flattering angle.

Fun Fact: I hate my voice, so the fact that I’m sharing this with you all is proof of my undying love for you.

Enjoy! Continue reading

Obligatory New Year’s Resolutions Post

Last year, I did non-resolutions–things I wasn’t going to focus on in 2018. That went over about as well as any of my normal resolutions do. Which just goes to prove that resolutions of any kind are kind of ridiculous. The average person just can’t sit down on January 1st and make decisions for their entire upcoming year. It’s just not realistic.

But it sure is goddamn fun, isn’t it?

So, in the spirit of the time of year, here are the “resolutions” I’m “making” for 2019 that I almost definitely will forget about by February! Continue reading

Sunday Spirit: Samhain

We’re coming into the home stretch of Blogtober and I’m pretty proud of how I’ve done, thus far. Scrapping the fashion posts aside, I stuck to my “theme” each day, was only late posting one or two posts, and even managed to get some things queued in advance (instead of rushing around at 3:00am to write something up… or writing it the day of). A pretty big step up from last year. Maybe next year I’ll get everything written and queued in September so I can just take October off!

The end of Blogtober means the end of October which means Halloween! For those of us witchy folks, it also means Samhain, the end of the witch’s year.

Samhain (pronounced: sow-in) historically marked the end of the final harvest of the year. In some Pagan practices (particularly Wicca), it marks the death of the old God and Goddess in her Crone form mourns him for six(ish) weeks, before going into Yule (the Wiccan/Pagan new year).

Samhain is a time to honor the dead. It’s said that the veil between this world and the next is thinner during this time, if that’s your thing.

In honor of the upcoming Sabbat (it creeped up so quickly!), I wanted to share some things you can do to celebrate. Continue reading

Sunday Spirit: Praying as a Witch

I’ve said for years that I don’t see much difference between spell work and prayer, especially when compared to Catholic prayer rituals. Candles are lit, incense is burned, words are said. Ultimately, both have the same goal: To put a request out to Providence in hopes it is fulfilled.

That being said, the first time I actually prayed–not worked a spell, but just prayed–it felt very strange. Continue reading

Sunday Spirit: My Experiences with Church


That was the reply I received to a status update I posted on Facebook in February this year, regarding my going to church, meeting people, and making friends. I can’t say I was terribly surprised to receive such a reaction; up until a year or two ago, I identified as a polytheistic Pagan (about a year and a half ago I began to identify as an agnostic witch). Adie and Church were just two things which didn’t go together. Continue reading