Sartorial Saturday: Black and Pink Boots

Honestly, my decision to ~do fashion~ this month just blew up in my face. I’m sick as hell (not super great, since I have about 120 cookies worth of sugar cookie dough I made sitting in my fridge I need to bake, but I don’t want to bake when I’m sick for obvious reasons), so I spent today in my PJs, working on my Halloween costume. As a result, this Sartorial Saturday is part fashion part craft project.

So let’s get to it. Continue reading

Sartorial Saturday: The Witch Jacket, part 2

Last week I mentioned that my purple jacket shrank during the dying process and was now too small for me. I would have to rebuild my witch jacket from scratch, a task I wasn’t looking forward to, at all.

But, the desire to procrastinate on my homework is strong and I managed to get it done in a day.

I also said I was going to take better pictures of it, but the last thing I want to do is take pictures while I’m bloated and cramping, so you get the cell phone pictures my mom took. They’re not bad pictures, they’re just not great. There’s also just two of them: front and back. I’ll definitely post better pictures of just the vest later if anyone wants to see. Continue reading

Witchy Wednesday: Why Colorado Springs will Always be the Witchiest City (to me, at least)

I’m sure I’m not the only one that gets random associations in my head, right? Two things that are objectively unrelated, but are forever linked in my brain meat.

Can I talk about how Colorado Springs will always be the witchiest city in the world, to me?

Because, objectively speaking, Colorado Springs is not a witchy city. At all. It’s actually a remarkably conservative city. I’ve referred to Colorado Springs as “the biggest small town I’ve ever seen” because the attitudes of the people there give off that vibe.

And I will always associate it with witchcraft. Continue reading