Music Monday: The Spooky Spirit

T-Minus 3 days until Halloween! This is not a drill, people!

In honor of the impending holiday, I wanted to share some of the music that gets me in the Halloween spirit. Funny enough, this post could alternatively be titled “Music Monday: Classic Rock” because no one evokes an aura of witchery like classic rockers, apparently.

Seriously, every song on this list is older than I am.

Let’s get to it, shall we? Continue reading

Sunday Spirit: Samhain

We’re coming into the home stretch of Blogtober and I’m pretty proud of how I’ve done, thus far. Scrapping the fashion posts aside, I stuck to my “theme” each day, was only late posting one or two posts, and even managed to get some things queued in advance (instead of rushing around at 3:00am to write something up… or writing it the day of). A pretty big step up from last year. Maybe next year I’ll get everything written and queued in September so I can just take October off!

The end of Blogtober means the end of October which means Halloween! For those of us witchy folks, it also means Samhain, the end of the witch’s year.

Samhain (pronounced: sow-in) historically marked the end of the final harvest of the year. In some Pagan practices (particularly Wicca), it marks the death of the old God and Goddess in her Crone form mourns him for six(ish) weeks, before going into Yule (the Wiccan/Pagan new year).

Samhain is a time to honor the dead. It’s said that the veil between this world and the next is thinner during this time, if that’s your thing.

In honor of the upcoming Sabbat (it creeped up so quickly!), I wanted to share some things you can do to celebrate. Continue reading

Watch-This Wednesday: Live-Action TV

I will admit, I don’t watch a lot of “live-action” (ie: not animated) TV, anymore. Typically, if I’m watching TV, it’s just so I have background noise while I clean or something. But, there are a few shows that catch my full attention when they come on and I’ll even go out of my way to watch (or at least DVR).

Here’s what I’m watching (and you should be, too)! Continue reading

Cake Craft

Once upon a time, I was a functional human being with hobbies and interests. One of those interests was cake decorating. I even took the Wilton classes offered through Michael’s about five years ago (I never finished and would like to retake them one of these days).

I’ve been too busy with school this week (I had my first exam on Wednesday) to do any cooking, so I don’t have a recipe or recent pictures to share.

So, instead, I want to share the cake I made for my lesson three final of my Wilton classes! Yay! Continue reading