Adie & Allen Save the World 2: Bullet Journals, Cauliflower, and Blogging (Oh My!)

Behold! Another installment of Adie and Allen Save the World with Allen T. St. Clair of Das Midnight Goose! If you missed the first installment, click here to give it a read. You won’t be disappointed (or maybe you will; I’m pretty disappointing).

adie and allen save the world

This week, I posed such thought provoking questions as why cauliflower won’t leave my favorite foods the fuck alone, and what’s up with bullet journals, anyway? We also mused over the state of blogging today. When you’re done reading, be sure to click the link at the bottom to read Allen’s half over at Das Midnight Goose! Continue reading

Well, that’s a roundabout way to say “read more”

I’ve been trying really hard to get back in touch with my creative side. I really miss art and crafts and having an imagination that reaches beyond imagining myself either vastly wealthy or living in a dumpster. They say to fake it until you make it, so I’m trying to fake myself into believing I’m still an artistic person.

I’m just a bit starved for ideas, at the moment. And motivation, if I’m honest. Time is a precious commodity and I can’t spare too much on frivolous things like enjoyment.

Writer’s block is a nightmare. Writing is the only creative thing I really have time for, because I can do it literally anywhere I have access to paper and a writing implement. Which is everywhere, because I carry a notebook and pen with me. But nothing comes.

Don’t you just hate that?

I don’t even know what to blog about. I seriously considered doing another diet post, because I don’t know what else to say (that isn’t just… horribly depressing). That’s how deep this writer’s block is going.

On the bright side, with all that time spent not creating things myself, I’ve been reading things other people have created! So, here are a couple books you should pick up, if you like good stories. Continue reading

Adie and Allen Save the World

A couple months ago, my best blogger buddy, Allen of Das Midnight Goose, proposed we get together digitally, discuss and array of topics, and solve the world’s problems through shit-talking. A conference of complaint, if you will. We’d then share these results with our respective readers. Allen’s post on Monday covered a range of topics both serious and frivolous. Today, my topics are all technology based, because I was feeling uppity that day.

And so, without further ado… Continue reading

Tagged by Mona

I had writing a post about gift-giving and the economy for today, but MS Word ate it and it disappeared. I cannot express strongly enough how incredibly disappointed I am. I was really proud of the post I wrote. I did research.

Honestly, since getting that notification from WordPress, I’ve been questioning why I even blog at all anymore. I’ve made incredible friends here, but I like to believe you would all still love me even if I didn’t blog. Losing a post that I was so proud of really adds fuel to that “why bother?” fire.

Thankfully, Allen talked be down from that ledge, at least for now. I’m grateful for my incredible blogging family keeping me sane. Or at least reminding me I’m not the only crazy one. It varies from day to day.

Anyway, I didn’t have the spoons to rewrite the post, so that left me floundering for something to post today. Luckily, Mona swooped in to the rescue with a blogger tag! Yay Mona! She’s wonderful and everyone should go give her a follow at Wayward Sparkles if you’re not already.

The game goes as follows:

Mona gave me and two other bloggers three questions to answer. I’m supposed to answer those questions, then come up with three questions of my own to ask other bloggers, who I will tag. Seems simple enough.

Onto the questions! Continue reading