If you’re not making magic, can you really call yourself a witch?

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I mean, short answer: Yes, as long as you identify as a witch. Obviously. I just needed a catchy title.

I’ve hit a bit of a spiritual slump, lately. This is something that commonly happens with me (depression, anxiety, and the crippling inability to function that comes with them). When I feel overwhelmed, anything that is not absolutely essential to my survival gets left by the way side.

This is trying for me, because my spirituality is a very important part of my life. Continue reading

What to Do When Your Sacred Space… Isn’t, Anymore.

I’ve written in the past about my favorite spot in Southern California (quite possibly my favorite place in the world that I’ve been to so far)—the area I consider to be my sacred space, the place I go when I need to unwind and reconnect to my soul and Providence. The Meditation Garden at the Self-Realization Fellowship in Encinitas, CA is a calm, quiet place, perfect for meditating (obviously), relaxation, and quiet reflection…

Until the weekend or summer hits. Continue reading

My Year of Endings

When I went to see my spiritual counselor at the beginning of this year, she told me that on my birthday I will be entering a year of endings.* This is a good time to get rid of things, habits, and relationships which no longer benefit me. It’s not really a great time to start anything new.

The last few months, I’ve really been on a spiritual journey, but I still feel like I’m holding myself back. That needs to end.

So, as I’m preparing to enter my Year of Endings, here are some things I would like to let go of in my thirtieth year on this planet:

The need to fit a label. I am a witch. Since I started looking for religion, I have been a witch. Like many things, I am very open and accepting of however people want to apply that label to themselves… until I look in the mirror. When it comes to myself and my own beliefs, I still hold onto old and narrow definitions of what does and does not make me a witch. Despite the years I’ve spent on this path, I still worry about not being “witchy enough.” It is time for these limiting and outdated definitions to go.

The need to qualify. I am very scientifically minded. I want things, including my system of beliefs, to make logical sense. But, I’m learning that belief systems don’t always make sense and I can’t force them to be logical. Not everything can (or may even be meant to) be understood.

The fear of being wrong. This is tied to my need to qualify and understand everything. I think a part of me is afraid to look beyond the beliefs which make sense to and comfort me, because I don’t want to find contradictory information which will cause me to question the accuracy of my beliefs. But, this is how we grow. And beliefs are beliefs; part of the reason they are there is to bring us comfort. Just because I find contradictory information doesn’t necessarily mean I have to stop believing what I do or stop worshiping the ways I do.

Letting go of mental blocks is never easy, but I’m going to try my hardest. I know that doing so will open me up to new experiences and knowledge that otherwise I wouldn’t receive.

I love you all.

*These years (there are three; endings, creativity, and the third I always forget) are tied to one’s birth date and are varied for everyone. Just because I am entering a year of endings doesn’t necessarily mean anyone else is.

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Book Review: The Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St. Clair

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So, as I’ve mentioned, I’ve been attending church, recently. While I didn’t think I’d actively dislike it, I will admit that I was surprised to find that I actually enjoy it, enough that I’ve gone weekly for the last five weeks.

I would not necessarily call myself any form of Christian, but I did mention that I’m intrigued by the idea of Christian witchcraft. So, I set out to find some research material.

Enter: The Path of a Christian Witch by Adelina St. Clair

The Overall Takaway: I would rate this book a 4/5 and recommend it to those interested in the niche faiths within the niche faiths. Continue reading