Breaking for Spring

Today marks the beginning of my college’s spring break week. Personally, I have been looking forward to this since the semester started at the end of January.

I’ve been so stressed out lately and it seems like everywhere I turn there’s something new to ruin my chill. I’m just tired. I foresee a lot of trips to the Meditation Gardens and the beach in the upcoming week. I need to refocus and recenter myself, desperately. Continue reading

Why I Just Can’t with Facebook, Anymore

Lately, when it’s come to Facebook, I’ve been drifting away. I stick to a couple of groups I’m in, and that’s about it. It makes me sad, but it’s also been pretty freeing.

I’ve always had a hate-love relationship with Facebook. Not a love-hate relationship, because that implies that I loved it more than I hated it, or at least loved and hated it equally. That’s never been the case, or at least not since I first joined some ten years ago. For the last… I’ll say eight years, I’ve definitely hated Facebook more than I’ve loved it.

Still, for as big of a cesspool as I found it to be, it had its high points. It allowed me to keep in touch with friends I otherwise would have lost contact with. That was enough for me to not completely abandon ship.

Not so, anymore. Continue reading

Friday Free-For-All: How To Survive Social Media (by someone who fkn hates social media)

To preface this: This is not “how toΒ use social media.” This isn’t some SEO BS post about how you can get a billion followers with “this one simple trick!”

This post is about navigating the sea of garbage that exists on websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. It’s about how to have a presence on those sites and still be able to go to sleep at night not feeling like maybe global nuclear destruction isn’t such a bad option, after all.

It is not easy. That’s why I post once in a blue moon; because social media makes me sick.

For my own convenience, I’m going to break this down by website and start with the worst of the worst. Continue reading